Get ready for a new mindset in 2021

Category Lifestyle

2020 was a year that did not go according to anyone's plans. Weddings, holidays, and parties were cancelled. The safest way to show your family you loved them was to stay away from each other. The world stood together by being socially apart. Businesses had to adapt to working from home. And let's not forget that everyone brushed up on their DIY skills during the lockdown. Oh, what a year it has been! The dreaded COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we lived and made us take a second look at what is important in life. 

The Coronavirus did however bring us closer to the ones we love. It made us appreciate what we have in our lives and encouraged us to want to be better. Many of us even took the time out to learn a new skill such as baking or further our knowledge with online courses. Most learning institutes also encouraged this by providing discounts or free learning material. While some chose the academic route, others learned the trend of TikTok. The world was changing its norms as we knew it. 

This change also brought upon major digital transformations in the real estate industry. What was once known as showing off a house in person took on a more virtual approach. Videos, photographs, skype or zoom calls, and digital documents evolved into vital tools to secure a sale. Agents got accustomed to selling property from the safety of their homes. This also gave us valuable time to be around our family and enjoy the little things we were missing out on. 

On a positive note, it is much more affordable to own a home than it was a year ago. People who were previously unable to secure a home loan can make the most out of the country's low interest rates. We entered 2020 with a prime lending rate of 9.75% and end off at 7.00%. In January, the bond repayment on R900 000 home loan over 20 years was R 8,536.65. At 7.00% today, the bond repayments are R 6,977.69. There has never been a better time to buy your dream home than now.  

Where to from here?

With this life-changing pandemic we are all coping with, give yourself time to reflect on new thoughts and fresh ideas as we approach the end of this unusual year. Be brave, even if you are not. Go out on a limb and do things out of your comfort zones - that is where the fruit is. Don't MAJOR on MINOR things. Do not burn bridges, rather think calmly and realise just how many times you may have to cross the same river. 

Do not forget that we all are trying in our own ways and that most people's greatest emotional need is to be appreciated. Learn to say NO politely without any regrets. However, do not use words carelessly and don't forsake time - neither of these can be retrieved.

Get your priorities straight. After all, no one ever said on their death bed "I should have spent more hours in the office". Try not to dwell on your mistakes but learn from them at the same time. Spend less time worrying about who is right and more time on deciding what is right.

Remember that people need a second chance, but never a third. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly so be aware to embrace these times. Make living your life an exclamation, not an explanation. So loosen up and have more fun. Never cut what can be untied - this is important and an excellent life skill to accomplish.

Take these kind words and make plans now to end this year on a good note with wonderful new goals and soul searching excitement to look forward to. We do not know what 2021 holds for us, but creating a new mindset to accomplish our goals will make it a year to look forward to. 

Author: Seeff Hillcrest & Kloof

Submitted 30 Nov 20 / Views 760

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